Dear fellow OTs,
In year 2016 UNICEF hosted The Adolescence Brain: A second windows of opportunity symposium. As mention in the UNICEF website in this stage of development brain changes significantly and forms tons of new connections. It affected a lots more f aspects in life.
OT as a professional who helps person to functional with his/her limitations also face some challenges when work with adolescents. Preparing client and family for puberty then another activities in teenage life like prom night, going to concert or club are few things that we have to pay attention to.
Please share your experience about working with client and/or family to prepare the puberty and teenage life.
Picture credit: UNICEF
Interesting diagrams and useful points to consider. In community adult mental health I work with lots of adolescents struggling with life and educational stressors and social demands. In my role it is about helping individuals prioritise their vocational goals, and develop ways to manage stress through meaningful occupations or developing support networks.