Hi all!
I am Miriam and I am a third year BSc Occupational Therapy Student currently doing a role emerging placement at the Compass Recovery College (Berkshire). I am looking for OTs and/or OT Students who have worked or are currently working in Recovery Colleges to explore the role of Occupational Therapists in Recovery Colleges and hear about your experiences. There is a lack of research about OTs working in this field and I would love to hear from you to hopefully expand our services in RCs, Mental Health and Wellbeing. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
Thank you very much Suzanne! This is very helpful, thank you! Kind Regards. Miriam
I work in Renfrewshire and I’m the Recovery Lead OT for a shared care (mental health and substance misuse) recovery hub. It’s a developmental role for a brand new service. I will be making links with local recovery college. There is an OT involved in the local college in Ayrshire, named Jeanette Allen. Perhaps you can locate her and make contact. Kind regards.
Thank you very much for this @Hub Team!
Thanks for reaching out @Miriam! We'll bring this forum to the attention of fellow Members via our social channels in the coming days, to prompt speedier responses.