Hub Jobs
Vacancies and voluntary roles
For occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants and students.
Research Lead
Ad hoc/Flexible hours
Worldwide (working remotely)
The Hub Team are looking for a passionate and driven occupational therapist to lead our internationally-utilised Research Portal 3.0, accessed by Plus+ Members (full access to Plus+ resources provided).
You will be enhancing your CPD portfolio and helping to connect OTs, OTAs and students to research, to inform their practice. You will feature on our website Team page and have access to the entire platform, our social media channels and email.
Projects to include: Searching for new and recent research; uploading journal articles to the Portal; developing research categories; reaching out to Members, to submit their work; bringing content to the attention of Members via social networks.
This is a part-time, ad hoc role. No set hours are required. We ask that you engage regularly with other Hub Team members. All Team positions are currently voluntary. As The Occupational Therapy Hub’s commercial division grows, management will reward its Team for their commitment.
The Occupational Therapy Hub
Webinars Lead
Ad hoc/Flexible hours
Worldwide (working remotely)
The Hub Team are looking for a passionate and driven occupational therapist, to help lead our work creating and showcasing educative webinars. This role would focus on growing the OT Webinars portal, accessed by Plus+ Members (full access to Plus+ resources provided).
You will be enhancing your CPD portfolio and networking with occupational therapists worldwide. You will feature on our website Team page and have access to the entire platform, our social media channels and email.
Projects to include: Expanding the library of video interviews, discussion topics and presentations; connecting with relevant organisations and reaching out to Members.
This is a part-time, ad hoc role. No set hours are required. We ask that you engage regularly with other Hub Team members. All Team positions are currently voluntary. As The Occupational Therapy Hub’s commercial division grows, management will reward its Team for their commitment.
The Occupational Therapy Hub