I wondered if you could offer some advice. I am an OT working in the Acute setting, we complete hoist assessments with patients on the inpatient wards using the deluxe hammock slings (CA701) from Care Ability (which is the manufacturer used by our equipment company), with the Arjo midi mobile hoist. Previously the hospital offered the service of washing the slings so we could use them again for further assessments. However, due to a change in their machines they can no longer provide this service. I am looking to see if there are any disposable slings which are an exact match to the Care Ability slings so that we can accurately measure and risk assess the patient for the correct sling to be prescribed for using in the community. As an interim measure we are ordering slings for next day delivery to the hospital however this is costly, especially if it is not the correct sling and has to then be returned and also delays our assessments. I have enquired with Prism Medical and they advised they don’t offer the CA701 in a disposable fabric and their universal disposable slings are not an exact match.
Any advice or ideas as to how you go about assessing for hoist slings in the acute setting would be great
Is there an opportunity to have a peripheral store room with a few different size slings ? Slings can be then be accessed for assessment and replenished to the store and allocated via PUK number to the patients Equipment account . The benefit of this is the equipment service need only do one weekly delivery of replenishment items oppose to lots of individual ones that as you point out is extremely costly. It does still carry infection control as if sling does not fit cannot be reused however a collection order can be set up for on the day store replenished and it goes via appropriate cleaning process
@Liz Keech - thanks for reaching out! We'll bring your forum to the attention of Members in the coming days, to prompt advice.