I’m in a lovely position of setting up a new service. I’m looking at outcomes. I would really value your views and experiences of different outcome measures. Especially if in a Social Care or Intermediate Care Setting.
I am working in social care, however I do not use a specific outcome measure. Most of the time the referrals are for moving and handling reviews. Thus observing care workers or unpaid carers, complete moving and handling tasks, making recommendations/introducing new techniques & or new equipment.
However, I have recently had a service user who specifically said he wanted to reduced his care package as it was costing a lot, approx £2000 a month. He felt he could manage his meals independently, with his kitchen trolley, which would mean the carers would not have to spend time making his meals thus reducing the time and consequently the cost.
I assessed this man as being safe to manage preparing a hot meal independently in his kitchen.
There're many outcome measures that you can use and I would encourage you to consider the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs) in your search. The AusTOMs could be a great fit in your social care setting as it has two important domains you'll definitely need (i.e., Participation and Well-being) in addition to the Impairment and Activity domains. It also has 12 scales that you can choose from for your clients/ patients according to their needs and according to their treatment plans.
You can explore the AusTOMs and download its free manual, scales, and scoring form from the following website:
Has anyone experience of using the ASCOT?
I am working in social care, however I do not use a specific outcome measure. Most of the time the referrals are for moving and handling reviews. Thus observing care workers or unpaid carers, complete moving and handling tasks, making recommendations/introducing new techniques & or new equipment.
However, I have recently had a service user who specifically said he wanted to reduced his care package as it was costing a lot, approx £2000 a month. He felt he could manage his meals independently, with his kitchen trolley, which would mean the carers would not have to spend time making his meals thus reducing the time and consequently the cost.
I assessed this man as being safe to manage preparing a hot meal independently in his kitchen.
Hey Kathryn,
If you are not looking diagnosis specific then there is COPM (Canadian occupational performance measure) and WHOQOL bref
Hi Kathryn Simpson
There're many outcome measures that you can use and I would encourage you to consider the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs) in your search. The AusTOMs could be a great fit in your social care setting as it has two important domains you'll definitely need (i.e., Participation and Well-being) in addition to the Impairment and Activity domains. It also has 12 scales that you can choose from for your clients/ patients according to their needs and according to their treatment plans.
You can explore the AusTOMs and download its free manual, scales, and scoring form from the following website:
You can also check the list of publications about the AusTOMs including my paper in the following link:
Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance!
Thanks for reaching out to the community Kathryn. We'll raise your post to Members across our network in the coming week!