Useful services and external resources, for your care and career.
This is an expanding directory and current community suggestions are not definitive. Know of a service or resource that should be featured?

The UK's leading provider of access information. Providing independence and choice. On our website you'll find detailed access information to thousands of venues across the UK and the Republic of Ireland: shops, pubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, railway stations, hotels, universities, hospitals and more.
Our mission is to maximise independence and choice for disabled people in accessing their local area and the places we all want to visit. We work on behalf of Local Authorities, top Universities, NHS Trusts and private sector organisations to publish detailed access information on well over 125,000 places of interest across the UK and the Republic of Ireland. We also have a number of prominent strategic partnerships, particularly in the travel and tourism sector, with organisations such as Visit England, Visit London (London & Partners/Greater London Authority), Tourism For All and Open Britain.
Developed by disabled people, for disabled people.
We go the extra mile because disabled people have told us: a venue which self-reports its access can all too often miss, overlook or fail to appreciate the reality of the access they provide the majority of venues do not have the expertise or the time to go into the detail that many disabled people need to have to make an effective judgement about the suitability of access. Finally because what’s accessible for one person is not necessarily accessible for another, our independence means “we say as we see it”, providing the facts so you can make an informed choice.

Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia
Alzheimer Scotland is the leading dementia organisation in Scotland. We campaign for the rights of people with dementia and their families. We provide a wide range of specialist services, community activities, information and advice - for people with dementia and their carers, at every stage of the dementia journey.

Bristol Older Peoples Forum
BOPFs aim is that every older person in the city is an equal, valued, participating member of the community who can influence the decisions which affect their lives. (Read more on the About Us pages).
Our manifesto, launched in 2016, sets out the priorities in achieving our aim through influencing key providers and decision makers in the city, and by working with others. It is fully supported by Mayor Marvin Rees, Kerry McCarthy MP, many councillors and others. Please read it and let us know what you think – it belongs to all older people in the city.

CareFlex offers an expert, free, no-obligation assessment service, to ensure the client gets the right chair to meet their needs; considering the key criteria: posture and stability, functionality, pressure relief and, of course, comfort.
Our chairs are custom built in Devon, by a workforce that has a strong sense of responsibility to provide well-made chairs that will last. We are an ethical company - not solely profit focused - and we want to make a difference. Through providing pioneering, high quality products and education, we want every individual to have access to the best possible posture and pressure management product for them – to improve their quality of life and provide reassurance for their care providers.
In recent clinical trials by the University of Salford, our chairs were found to be comfortable and to aid occupation and feelings of wellbeing. Our WaterCell Technology® - which is at the heart of our seating - proved to be effective. It provides a reliable and continuous low-pressure solution, for people at medium to high risk of pressure damage. Remember, 95% of pressure ulcers are preventable, which can save considerable pain and anguish for patients - and save the NHS literally billions of pounds a year.

Enabling activity in palliative care: focus groups among occupational therapists
BMC Palliative Care (Open Access)
Authors: Tavemark, S., Hermansson, L.N. and Blomberg, K.
Published: 7 February 2019
Activity participation may support clients in palliative care to maintain dignity and quality of life. Literature and policy documents state that occupational therapists should be part of the team in palliative care but provide limited guidance on how interventions should be employed. Thus, the aim was to describe occupational therapists’ experiences of enabling activity for seriously ill and dying clients.
In a descriptive, qualitative study, three focus groups with occupational therapists (n = 14) were conducted. The data were analysed using qualitative content analysis.
The findings showed that occupational therapists enabled activity in clients in palliative care while considering the client’s individual preferences. Motivation was seen to facilitate activity, while environmental restrictions were thought to act as barriers. The occupational therapists wanted to bring activities physically closer to the clients and felt a need for more client contact to enable activity.
Occupational therapists’ interventions in palliative care include prioritising and planning activities according to clients’ preferences and capacities. The individual nature of these activities makes it impossible to create standardised protocol for interventions, but the study results can be used to describe occupational therapists’ strategies and to guide their work, especially for occupational therapists without experience in palliative care.

Mental Capacity Act - e-Learning course (SCIE)
This resource from the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) explores the UK's Mental Capacity Act 2005. It includes best interests decision-making, and how to support people to make their own decisions.
The course is for everyone who looks after or cares for someone, for example, doctors, nurses, care assistants, social workers, and family members.

Muggi is an innovative new product which enables hot and cold drinks to be carried safely in any environment. This unique tray enables up to four mugs to be carried safely in one hand, leaving the other hand free to support the user. Muggi also fits on to walking frames and can be conveniently placed on the lap of wheelchair users. It catches unwanted spillages and features non-slip rubber feet; finger and thumb holds make it easy to carry for young or old hands.
An increasing number of occupational therapists, sufferers of Parkinson’s, arthritis and wheelchair users are finding muggi invaluable in their daily lives. Made from lightweight, but extremely tough Polypropylene, muggi comes in seven vibrant colours blue, grey, red, purple, green, pink, a black recycled material.

MyLiferaft is an online place for an individual’s health and well-being information that helps to connect them to you and others in their care circle. All their information is stored safely and easily, allowing only those that they choose to be able to access it.
It’s not just about the facts and figures; they can store information such as “I love a cup of tea with my medication!” or “I’m scared of injections!” This allows those that care for them to know what helps them to feel better, and their care circle to feel better informed to support them.

OT Flourish
OT Flourish helps OT practitioners and students be the best they can be when working with older adults.
We do this through:
The Learning Lab Membership: helping you be skilled, creative, current & have the resources you need with hundreds of treatment idea videos, lists and links to patient handouts, tools, assessments, and evaluations, a journal club, exclusive community forum and fun bonuses - just for being a member!
OT Flourish Podcast: showcasing relevant interviews, answering questions, current articles and hot topics, but also to getting OT practitioners excited about working with older adults, give actionable ideas that listeners can take and use in their own practice and have some fun along the way!
OT Resources: find the CEU discounts, e-books, handouts, forms and products that you have been looking for to ramp up your practice!
Blog: free treatment ideas, education and resources to learn, relate and grow as an OT practitioner and student.
Connect with OT Flourish via mchamberlain@seniorsflourish.com, or social media.

Seating Matters
Together with a team of clinicians, engineers and designers, Seating Matters have designed the world’s leading range of specialised seating, to improve comfort and quality of life for those with postural and pressure management needs.
Martina Tierney - Occupational Therapist and Clinical Director - has specialised in seating throughout her career. However, she struggled to find chairs to meet the clinical and functional needs of her patients. Martina realised that her patients needed pressure care chairs which were designed to properly fit the patient’s size and were easily adjustable in order to meet their long term needs. She and her team design and produce therapeutic chairs that meet pressure management, posture, comfort, mobility and functional requirements.
Her sons have created a person-centred organisation that has the patient at the heart of every decision. To change the world of healthcare seating, Seating Matters are increasing the knowledge available and sharing it freely, to improve patient care and encourage evidence based practice.

Sheffield Shamblers
Do you enjoy walking but want to do this at a leisurely pace? Fed up with walking groups that want to beat the clock over the distance of the walk? Or maybe you are new to walking and fear that you won't be able to keep up with experienced walkers?
Then come and join the Sheffield Shamblers walking group! Health walks are an ideal introduction to walking for those who haven't been walking before, are bored at home, or perhaps recovering from an illness or operation.
We are a group of people of all ages, from every walk of life, who enjoy walking and having a good time. Pleasant company and a good sense of humour is essential on all our walks. If you are looking for formal walks organised with military precision and strict codes of conduct, then this club is not for you!
Dogs are welcome, but must be kept on a lead at all times.

Stroke Core Competencies - Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARS)
This e-learning resource provides a learning tool for health and social care staff to enable them to become more knowledgeable and skilful in the challenging area of stroke care. The resource is based on the Stroke Core Competencies which were published by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) in 2005.
The website provides a multidisciplinary resource which focuses on a wide range of core knowledge and skills required by all staff when delivering stroke care. The Core Competencies provide an interactive way of learning with quizzes, animations, video clips, and case scenarios.