Useful services and external resources, for your care and career.
This is an expanding directory and current community suggestions are not definitive. Know of a service or resource that should be featured?

100 ways to Support Recovery (Rethink Mental Illness)
Rethink Mental Illness - 100 ways to Support Recovery
100 Ways to Support Recovery is a free practical guide for mental health professionals to work in a recovery-oriented way.

24 Character Strengths (Peterson and Seligman)
Professors Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman believe that each of us possesses 24 character strengths.
Which ones do you particularly identify with?
Source: Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification (Peterson and Seligman, 2004).

Adult safeguarding: e-learning course (SCIE)
This resource, by SCIE, explores the following questions:
What is adult safeguarding and how does it affect each and every one of us?
How do I recognise the types and indicators of abuse?
What can I do if I suspect that someone is being harmed?
What should I do if I believe someone is being harmed but the person asks me to keep the information confidential and take no action?
What can I do to make it much less likely that a person might be harmed?
How do I ensure that adult safeguarding is managed correctly in the context of the Mental Capacity Act 2005
This e-Learning course module is free to use, however to access the course you will need a free MySCIE account.

Borderline personality disorder: recognition and management (NICE Guidelines)
This guideline makes recommendations for the treatment and management of borderline personality disorder in adults and young people (under the age of 18) who meet criteria for the diagnosis in primary, secondary and tertiary care.
The guideline also covers the treatment and management of people diagnosed with emotionally unstable personality disorder based on ICD-10 criteria.
Clinical guideline published: 28 January 2009 [Source: NICE online​]

Bristol Independent Mental Health Network (BIMHN)
Our mission:
To have excellent and improved mental health services - that listen to everyone who has used, is using or intending to use mental health services across Bristol.​
Promoting an effective voice to improve mental health services for all.
The Bristol Independent Mental Health Network (BIMHN) represents a diverse community of past, current and future users of Bristol’s mental health services, as well as those with lived experiences of mental health. We provide a safe space for people to confidentially share their needs and experiences of services, while we campaign for change by holding local providers to account.
BIMHN also acts against discrimination, and promotes a positive understanding of mental health through education. We hope that by challenging current practice, we can increase parity of esteem and instigate worthwhile change, allowing people to access the care that they deserve.

Five Ways to Wellbeing
A toolkit for working with young people, whether in a school, youth club or community setting. Designed for those living in Hertfordshire (UK), but information is applicable worldwide.​ Alongside a breakdown of the five ways (Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Give), the toolkit explains why improving young peoples’ wellbeing is important. It introduces practical ideas for using the Five Ways to Wellbeing when working with young people.
Credit: Hertfordshire County Council (January 2015)
+ Five Ways to Wellbeing Handout (PDF)

MH4OT - OT Assessment Index
An assessment index from Mental Health 4 Occupational Therapy.
The Aim:
To make a small corner of the internet where mental health Occupational Therapists are able to keep abreast of the latest developments in our profession and become more well rounded clinicians, through self-guided learning and networking.

Mental Capacity Act: e-Learning course (SCIE)
This resource explores the Mental Capacity Act 2005, including best interests decision-making, and how to support people to make their own decisions.
The course is for everyone who looks after or cares for someone, for example, doctors, nurses, care assistants, social workers, and family members.

Mental Health Recovery Star
The Recovery Star has been designed for use with adults managing their mental health or recovering from mental illness.
The Recovery Star covers ten key areas:
Managing mental health
Physical health and self care
Living skills
Social networks
Addictive behaviour
Identity and self-esteem
Trust and hope

Mental Health at Work (Mind)
Whether you work with 10 people, 10,000 people or just yourself, paying attention to mental health in the workplace has never been more important. Mental Health at Work is here to help you find the information and resources you need.
Mental Health at Work is curated by Mind, the mental health charity, and funded by The Royal Foundation as part of their Heads Together campaign.

Model of practice: Model Of Human Occupation (MOHO)
MOHO seeks to explain how occupation is motivated, patterned, and performed. MOHO is intended for use with any person experiencing problems in their occupational life and is designed to be applicable across the life span. It is commonly used in mental health settings, highlighting an individual's 'volition' and motivators.

Off The Record (Bristol)
Off The Record, OTR Bristol opened its doors in 1965 and can justifiably claim to be one of the oldest established young people's mental health services in the country.
We run services and projects to promote and improve mental health and wellbeing for young people in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. All of them are delivered by a team of super-friendly staff and volunteers and have been designed with the help of young people. Our team come from a wide range of backgrounds and work in a variety of ways. They’ve all been chosen to work at OTR because whatever technique they have trained in, they will listen and won’t judge.
To support young people to empower and intellectually defend themselves through the provision of mental health services and development work
To promote positive mental health and the resilience of all young people
To challenge the wider social and structural inequalities that lead to poorer mental health and life chances

SAGE Greenfingers
SAGE stands for Support Arts Gardening Education. We promote the mental and physical well-being of adults experiencing mental health problems, via the provision of creative therapeutic activities.
We can offer support to men or women over 18, whose life is troubled by mental health issues. These might range from mild to severe and include diagnoses such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, panic attacks and PTSD. We are also able to accommodate adults who have a dual diagnosis of learning disability and/or physical disability.

Sheffield Flourish
Owned by the community, we aim to involve people who live with mental health conditions in everything we do. We help people to share their stories by publishing them on our website. We offer a wide range of activities suitable for people living with mental health conditions. We organise fun and interesting monthly community events based on different themes. We even help people to realise their enterprising ideas.

Survivors of Depression In Transition (SODIT)
A support group for women who experience depression and mental health illness.
Survivors of Depression is all about giving women a chance to move on from their illness, or period in life which has been very straining on family life and personal life. We have seen many women now who have managed to move on from the group, towards a happy and fulfilling life. This is at the heart of what we do, and also what the government’s reform agenda in health is all about.
Our main aims:
The relief of sickness and preservation of health among women residing permanently or temporarily in Sheffield
To protect the mental health of women with depression and related illness, through support, education and practical advice
To advance the education of the general public in all areas relating to depression and related illness

Understanding borderline personality disorder (Mind)
This booklet is for anyone experiencing borderline personality disorder (BPD). It explains what the diagnosis means and what it’s like to live with BPD. It also provides information about self-care, treatment and recovery, and gives guidance on how friends and family can help.
[Source: Mind online]

Violence in the Occupational Therapy Workplace - Learning Module (University of Alberta)
The 7 units in this module provide detailed information about violence in health care workplaces. They include a clear definition, a description of the factors that increase the risks of violence and realistic actions and resources that can be used, to prevent and manage wide-ranging forms of workplace violence.
+ CPD certificate available
This free, online learning module was developed by Occupational Therapists, for Occupational Therapists. The work was carried out at the University of Alberta, with funding support from the Government of Alberta, Canada. We would like to thank all of the Occupational Therapists and occupational therapy students who contributed to this project - your input was invaluable.