Hello , I am Beena Pretty OT third year student studying in India. I need some ideas about what general OT books to buy. And if you are willing to give or sell me some used OT books it will be useful For Me.. Thank you..
Hi @Beena Prety , Sorry I have been a little slow to respond on this one. My favourite OT book ever (so far anyway) has to be Occupational Therapy and Stroke edited by Judi Edmans. Although the as the title suggests it is very much stroke focused I have found that a lot of the ideas, OT process, theory, models are incredibly transferable to other physical health OT settings. I didn't come across this book until my final student placement and it really helped to tie a lot of loose ends in my learning together. In terms of the more essay based learning, I found several books by Jennifer Creek to be really helpful for terminology etc.
Thank you @Alexandra Hunter... , don't be sorry.. due to this pandemic situation I couldn't get my ordered books and so after your suggestion now I would like to replace my order..
I agree @Alexandra , this one's a good'un - and, like you say, includes content relevant across settings and speciaisms. @Beena I'd also recommend this one!
Hi Beena,Thanks for reaching out here. Are you happy for us to share your query across our social media networks, to raise it to the attention of fellow Members?
Hi @Beena Prety , Sorry I have been a little slow to respond on this one. My favourite OT book ever (so far anyway) has to be Occupational Therapy and Stroke edited by Judi Edmans. Although the as the title suggests it is very much stroke focused I have found that a lot of the ideas, OT process, theory, models are incredibly transferable to other physical health OT settings. I didn't come across this book until my final student placement and it really helped to tie a lot of loose ends in my learning together. In terms of the more essay based learning, I found several books by Jennifer Creek to be really helpful for terminology etc.
I hope this helps!
Hi @Beena - take a look at a new and similar forum that @Charmi has started: Which is your favourite Occupational Therapy book? Perhaps you can brainstorm ideas there too?
I agree @Alexandra , this one's a good'un - and, like you say, includes content relevant across settings and speciaisms. @Beena I'd also recommend this one!
Hi Beena, Thanks for reaching out here. Are you happy for us to share your query across our social media networks, to raise it to the attention of fellow Members?