I am an OT working in a newly created virtual ward post in the UK (NHS).
Has anyone got any experience working in virtual wards? How is it for you? I would love to hear your experiences and feedback.
Unknown member
Jul 11
Do you mind telling me how the Virtual Ward is going now? I start a new job in a couple of weeks on a virtual ward and I'd be interested in knowing what other people have found works/doesn't work?
Unknown member
Sep 21, 2023
Hi Katherine,
I am an OT working with virtual frailty ward in Lincolnshire. More than happy to have a chat about how it has gone so far :)
Unknown member
Sep 22, 2023
Replying to
That would be fantastic :) I've been qualified for 30 years and have been in a management role for the last 10 years, I've recently returned to a more clinical role in a virtual ward team (3 wards: Frailty, Respiratory and Cardiology) in Sandwell in the West Midlands. This is obviously a brand new team and role emerging in terms of OT.
I'm finding the OT referrals are a little low compared to the nursing/ACP caseload and I would love to progress the service going forward. I would love to hear about your staffing model, how you obtain and maintain referrals, your activities outside of your traditional OT duties and how you provide OT (face to face visits/phone consultations etc.) Happy to share experiences on here, or you can email me: katherine.attwood@nhs.net. Look forward to hearing from you.
For any Members not familiar with the new concept of Virtual Wards - also known as hospital at home - the UK National Health Service (NHS) has the following helpful webpage:
Do you mind telling me how the Virtual Ward is going now? I start a new job in a couple of weeks on a virtual ward and I'd be interested in knowing what other people have found works/doesn't work?
Hi Katherine,
I am an OT working with virtual frailty ward in Lincolnshire. More than happy to have a chat about how it has gone so far :)
For any Members not familiar with the new concept of Virtual Wards - also known as hospital at home - the UK National Health Service (NHS) has the following helpful webpage:
Virtual wards (NHS England)
[Video credit: NHS England]
Thanks for reaching out here @KATHERINE ATTWOOD! We'll bring your query to the attention of fellow Members shortly.